Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Wedge

It appears the abortion debate is starting to heat up in the issue of Health Care reform and I feel the need to speak. So let me start by stating some of my basic positions for all who care. First of all, I am against any health care reform that places the federal government in the position of providing health insurance or making any decisions in health care. I am okay with the government providing rules that help protect its citizens. That's what they're there for. I believe that if the government gets too involved there will be domino effect not only for health care but many more rights and basic freedoms as well. Some could argue health care is not the first domino to fall by a long shot. Second of all, I am against abortion. Period. I do not support it. And I do not want my government legitimizing it, let alone paying for it with my tax dollars.

I strongly believe that any goverment that begins to pass laws that devalue life, and specifically the lives of those who are weakest and least able to fight back, is a government that has numbered its days. So you can put me on the record as saying that unless our goverment changes its ways, its days are numbered. Furthermore, it's been a while now since this happened with regards to abortion and we may now be seeing the end of our government. It won't fall to violence and no enemy from the outside will have had any affect. Instead the enemy came from within. It reared its ugly head and, in the names of intellectualism, atheism and emotionalism, succeeded in eroding the most basic and fundamental of all rights our constitution was meant to protect: life.

I'm not happy about this. I can't even climb to the mountain-tops and cry "I Told You So!" Truthfully these decisions were made before I ever had a voice and an opinion. I know this is harsh but I have to say it: a government that refuses to protect the lives (in principle at the very least) of the least in its care, is no better than the worst governments history has seen. There, I said it.

I desire to see our nation reformed from the people up. That's the nature of being a pastor. And as a pastor you hope that your government, tasked with the creating and enforcing the very laws that protect its citizens, will be a secular aid in that reform rather than a force that legitimizes the most sinful practices of its people. The moral fiber of our nation has been deteriorating for many years and there's not much left to erode.

Now let me get to my most major concerns for our nation. I've titled this blog "The Wedge" because I believe it describes President Obama and our current governmental change. When splitting a very large log a woodsmen often will use a wedge. I've split a few logs in my life for firewood and I've found placing a wedge into split on the wood is a good way to force that split to continue until the log is separated into two pieces. I believe President Obama has become a wedge in a nation that can already be represented by a log with a big split in it. He seems intent on ramming that wedge through the split so that what will be left behind is two or more pieces.

I'm not really certain he realizes that he is doing this but I'm not certain he doesn't realize it either. His selection of leaders around him is dubious at best and one has to wonder where his real allegience really lies. Even Hitler believed he was a patriot trying to save Germany from ruin. I'm not trying to compare Obama to Hitler and I'm certainly not calling him a Hitler. That would be a tremendous afront to Obama and I have no desire to disrespect my president and especially not the office of president. I am, however, looking a lot of strange facts, people, and mysterious changes that point towards possibilities I'm afraid to even think about. I'll leave it at that, for now. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I will call a spade a spade.

So where is our nation heading? To put it bluntly, I believe that what our President is doing has every possibility of leading to a re-formation of America. Our federal government is going further than it ever has in ignoring the constitution by which it was formed and is governed. It is well outside of the original boundaries set up by our founding fathers. With all this in mind we need to be careful not to under-estimate the power of the people to create change. If pushed far enough I believe the average American is well capable of taking to the streets to affect change and there are plenty who would use violence to do so. (I'm not advocating violence, please read the first blog on this site to understand my foundations.)

We've been seeing a lot of people speaking out across our nation against health care. The part that frightens me is not the shouting and sometimes inappropriate behavior of protestors but rather the reaction by those who are pushing all these changes in government. The reaction is to marginalize the voices of passionate Americans. They offer no legitimacy to their opinions no matter how great the opposition. Even polls that show a majority of Americans are against the changes they are pushing are dismissed as wrong and the result of immoral tactics by their opposition.

Even in a time when the Republican party is in such disarray they are still blamed for something requiring a tremendous amount of organisation and influence. This isn't coming from the Republican party, it's coming from the people. Not democrats and republicans but rather Americans. Our governmental leaders are doing their best to ignore their own constituents. This is not a tactic often used by American politicians because it leads to them losing their jobs. And it likely will in 2010 as well. What frightens me, however, is that these politicians are fighting so hard to marginalize the American people who have given them the power they have. These tactics, if allowed to be carried to their logical end, will result in something much different than a government based on the liberty of its people.

We may well be experiencing the takeover of America as we speak. It's a movement from within and only the American people can stop it. If left to go far enough it will indeed descend into violence and end of America as we know it. I would not be surprised to see America split into many smaller countries. What really concerns me is how fast we are moving towards it. The political makeup of our government is likely to change drastically in the elections of 2010. This offers me hope if we can hang on that long. I have to admit to having some doubt, however. Things are moving so quickly right now that our country could split before then.

Last year I heard the predictions of some Russian professors that our nation would split by 2012. When I heard those predictions I thought they were crazy, not about the splitting of our nation so much as the time line. I figured it would take much longer and we would have many opportunities to keep it from happening. Now, I think they may have been too generous in offering a four year timeline. We've degenerated so quickly I now believe it could happen within the next year.

I hope not. I hope I'm wrong. I hope I'm writing blogs next year in which I am eating crow. I want to be wrong. So please, America, prove me wrong. Make me wrong. Let's fix our country now while there's still time. Before there is divorce the likes of which haven't been seen in our country since the Civil War. Before we see violence that splits America in a way much more final way than the current leaders have idealogically.

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