Friday, August 7, 2009


"Top White House officials counseled Democratic senators Thursday on coping with disruptions at public events on health care this summer, officials said, and promised the party and allies would respond with twice the force if any individual lawmaker is criticized in television advertising." (

Is this how we treat those with opposing opinions in America? I read this quote earlier this evening and my feathers were rankled. If I was on a comedy show I would have done a spit-take. I couldn't believe my eyes. These kinds of statements only prove that the Democrats see those with opposing opinions as enemies that must be defeated rather than valid opinions and voices that should be allowed to be heard.

These tactics are increasingly un-American. I won't make any other comparisons, as others are doing. I don't need to. Calling these actions un-American should cause us to shudder.

By all means, respond to those who oppose you. But do it in open and honest debate. These are not voices to be silenced. These are voices that represent many in America. Criticism is a part of being in politics. It comes with the territory. I have the right to criticize and offer my opinions and you have the right to respond as you see fit.

I am a conservative. If you disagree with me, you are not my enemy. I desire that you would agree with me. If you don't, I will not dismiss your opinion as unimportant and needing to be silenced.

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