Thursday, February 25, 2010

What's comes after "American?"

I caught the opening remarks on the Health Care Summit this morning and then had to read the rest later. I heard a president talking about working together (bipartisan) and I found myself asking the question "why should I believe you?" I then heard the opening comments by the Republican side of the aisle and heard some very good remarks about starting over and taking it one step at a time. This isn't what the democrats wanted to hear so it's all being rejected out of hand. It is apparent that what the democrats wanted was simply to hear the Republicans say, "Well, now that you put it that way, of course we're in 100 percent with all you want to do."

Ever since the elections went horribly wrong and America managed to vote in a majority of idiots into Congress, we've been seeing this attitude in the Democrats. I've been saying it all along. Their idea of compromise is when everyone else capitulates to their views.

The basic problem here is that the Democrats have one colossal ego. They still believe that their big majority means they can do whatever they want rather than a mandate from the people to do what America wants. In addition to this, the Democrats have a serious credibility problem. Who can believe anything they say at this point? Every move they make is calculated to force their opposition to capitulate. They will lie, cheat and make deals in the dead of night to accomplish their goal. The end justifies the means for them. This is a problem that will surely be rectified in the upcoming elections. In the mean time we've got a serious problem on our hands.

The democrats are poised to ram the utter financial destruction of our country down our throats. They are moving inexorably on. They won't stop spending and our country simply can't afford what they want to do. Would their health care reform be constitutional? No. Would it help like they think it will? No. Will it be affordable for our country? No. It needs to be stopped.

My great fear is that the elections can't get here soon enough to stop this ridiculous train. I know they can't. If the Democrats can indeed force this bill through by reconciliation (which is not a sure thing) the consequences will be dire. Dire for their political futures and dire for the future of our country.

My personal feelings are that the vast majority of democrats that have participated in this travesty to date should be fired on the spot. I don't know what the rules are in each state for doing such a thing but it seems to me that the task for recalling a senator or representative is something the people of their state and district must initiate.

Elections are too far off and the future of our nation is at stake. We have to act now.

Now, here's my great concern. The democrats in congress are not idiots, they're merely acting like idiots. With the imminent collapse of our federal government now in sight, I think we can safely say that it was intentional.

Yeah, I know. I'm talking like a conspiracy theorist. I just can't find any other explanation for the actions of so many of our politicians. Nobody is so stupid as to believe this kind of health care reform is a good idea. Especially on top of every other idiotic spending bill we've had in the past two years. It's not possible.

Call me crazy but the democrats whizzed in and finished off our economy like the skilled stroke of the master swordsman finishing his enemy. It has been precise. Targeted like an expert archer.

Is this kind of health care reform constitutional? Does it matter? Nobody in congress has seriously looked at that document in a long long time. Can the states afford to enact it? Does it matter? Isn't that the point? This crisis has been manufactured from the beginning to bring about this very end.

So what's left? Either something very violent is about to happen to take this country back to it's roots or we're headed for a major split. United we stand, divided we fall. I was once an American. I can no longer define what that is today. What will I be tomorrow?

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