Thursday, February 11, 2010

Divided We Fall

Sorry I haven't blogged here in awhile. Life has been hectic. There has been much to rant about but so little time to rant in. Then I stumbled across the following article on

I have to chime in. In this article we discover the outrageous claims Joe Biden and the entire White House appear to be making regarding the troop surge in Iraq and bringing the troops home from Iraq.

It's become obvious to me that this White House (and most democrats in Congress) seem to be a part of the name it and claim it group. They honestly believe that Americans have such short memories that they can re-write history within just a couple of years of it happening. All they have to do is lay claim to some accomplishment and it automatically becomes something they have done. We all watched during the presidential debates a few years ago as we heard ever more dire reports of the economy until it actually happened. Did one cause the other? The pillars of this recession were already in place for many years due to the actions of Democrats and Republicans alike. This was a government-caused recession from it's roots many years ago. Obama came sweeping in with all the blame for Bush and the Republicans despite Bush's repeated attempts to avert the housing crisis through legislations that the Democrats voted down. We stopped caring about the kickbacks and scandals within both parties (though more in the Democrat party) as they quickly left the media stage. Everything was covered up nice and neat with no concern for justice. In fact, we've been continuing down a ridiculous and insane path in our government despite the obvious calls from the American people to just stop the insanity.

Why is it that we allow people with so little regard for the truth make binding laws for the citizens of this once great country? With the exception of very few in Congress I whole-heartedly agree with the idea of "throwing the bums out." I don't care what party you're a part of. The constant corruption has moved to the level of being completely out in the open because Americans don't seem to care enough to do something about it. It's being flaunted. It's a level of arrogance you don't often see except in the crime dramas of Hollywood. You know, the ones where the criminal is so proud of his evil achievements that he begins to believe he is untouchable. He can't be caught. The whole world can know who did it but there won't be any repercussions. We could move Washington to California and nobody would know any difference. We'd just see the background scenery change a little more often to make it more entertaining.

With all that said, the current Democratic leadership, White House included, seems to have the idea that they can claim all victories for themselves and blame all failures on their enemies. What they don't seem to understand is that their "enemies" are their fellow citizens. Victories gained because of the policies of one party or another belong to all Americans. Politicians have to be big enough to applaud the good things found in the opposing parties because those good things represent America every bit as much as the bad things.

The division in America right now is dooming our nation. Our founding fathers understood this concept. United we stand, divided we fall. We're so divided right now that we can't focus on where the real enemies lie. We seem to be under the impression that they sit in the next seat over in Congress.

I understand the divisions. I really do. I'm dead-set against many of the ideals the Democratic party stands for. I still applaud those Democrats who seriously want what's best for America and are willing to put the people they serve first. I'm a registered Republican but I refuse to vote for a Republican who does not represent enough of me. I'm not afraid to leave a ballot blank in order to show my distaste for all the candidates involved. At the same time, we need to re-discover what it means to be an American.

This bickering has to stop. All of us. Not just Congress. Everyone. Stop it. Don't make me pull this blog over.


Enough is enough.

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