Sunday, March 21, 2010

Who's Next?

So they went ahead and did it. The House Democrats cajoled 219 votes and passed health care reform. They defied the people they represent and they must pay for it. Politically, of course. We could go on debating whether or not this bill will ever make it all the way into action but, regardless, it raises one last question for me: "Who's next?"

Here's what I mean. Who's the next country to pick up the gauntlet of freedom now that America has proven to the world that everything we hold dear doesn't work? By passing the most major element of socialist government yet, we have sent a signal to the rest of the world that Democracy doesn't work. Even Americans need a Government to watch over and provide for their most basic needs. We're no better than communists. At least our government isn't.

Happy faces and cheers abound among the ranks of the democrats in Congress. Even though nobody got what they wanted out of this, especially the American people. Well, almost nobody. I think Obama got exactly what he wanted.

I believe that Obama really wants to fundamentally change America and move its government away from democracy and more towards Marxism. Consider how this all works from here. If this new reform bill ever actually goes into effect as intended it will lead to the complete takeover of the medical industry by the Government. If our country lasts long enough you will see medical school enrollment decline dramatically since the ability for doctors to make money has just been taken away. This alone will lead to the dramatic decline of American medicine. This could happen very quickly if we see a lot of older doctors choose to simply retire rather than allow the government to control everything they do. I know I would.

Let's consider what will happen everywhere else. Industrial equipment manufacturer Caterpillar has said this bill will cost them $100 million a year to start. I predict massive layoffs to make this bill affordable to most larger companies. Many manufacturers will finally cave and delete all American jobs and move somewhere else. I know I would. Many small businesses will simply fail and still many more will flounder. The bigger companies that stay will simply jack up the prices of their goods and pass on the extreme costs of health care onto the average consumer. Add these extreme price increases to the certain ridiculous rise in inflation set to hit the USA as we print more money to pay for all this (nobody will be willing to loan it to us) and we'll all be taking wheelbarrows of money to the store to buy one small bag of groceries.

Charitable giving will drop off to a mere trickle, if not completely stop. Churches will close doors everywhere. More and more we will see people looking to the government for much more than just health care. I believe this is Obama's ultimate plan. He wants a dictatorial government which takes care of all the people's needs. Either that or he just wants to weaken the US enough so that we can fall under UN rule.

I've tried believing better of Obama than all this but he just proves it over and over again. By the time average Americans finally figure this out, it will be too late.

Of course, the more likely conclusion will be the massive pull out of states from the USA so that the Federal government is left with very few states left to govern. A new civil war could be started but I believe many Americans will soon be ready to accept a violent end to all this. Freedom is too bound up in our DNA.

So, if all goes according to Obama's plan, how long will the world have to wait before some other country picks up the cause of freedom? America is circling the drain.