Monday, December 7, 2009

Slaves to Health Care

Today's blog-fodder comes from the following article at

If you're a Republican, you'll be out-raged by what is said in that article. If you're anyone else, I hope you will be, at the very least, incredulous and unsupportive.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Ried continues to prove that he is unfit for America, let alone American politics and Congress. We can only hope that the good people of Nevada will do all they can to get him out of office in the upcoming elections, if not before.

In his most recent statements on the floor of the senate Ried likened those who oppose the health care reform bill to those who wished to continue with slavery, keep women from voting, and keep the civil rights movement from victory. He has looked at some of the tactics used by the GOP to oppose health care reform and found similiarities that he feels give him the right to make such wild accusations and insults. I had to come here and rant for awhile.

So let me make a few points that immediately came to mind. First, these tactics are used all the time in Congress and will continue to be used in the future. They are lawful so that senators who truly believe Congress is going the wrong way have some recourse. These tactics have been used by Republican and Democrat alike for many many years. I suspect Harry Ried has even used these tactics at one time or another. Second, We're not in the 19th century or even the 20th century any more. Third, in the big scale of societal evils perpetuated by the laws of our nation the issue of health care reform is nowhere near slavery, women voting, or civil rights. It's not even close. If you want a more honest parallel to slavery I would gladly submit the trampling over the rights of the unborn in abortion. And, finally, the fourth point is in regards to name-calling. Has the Senate floor become nothing more than an elementary school playground filled with bullies and name-calling? It sure seems like it. If this is the way we're going to treat this issue, at least leave some dignity for the hallowed halls of the laws of this land and move the venue to a place more suitable for the kind of antics being employed by the democratic party. A place more suitable like the nearest elementary school playground.

The democrats are taking a high moral stance on a health care reform bill that is based on lies and deceit. See previous blog entries for truer costs for this bill and the impact it will have on our economy. What is far worse is the impact on a country that is wandering further and further from its founding fathers and the amazing document they shed their blood for.

Health Care reform is much simpler than this. Tort Reform and opening up the state lines for health care companies would go a long way towards reducing health care costs and making it more affordable.

Come on guys, let's stop the insanity. Somebody put a gag on Reid and let's kill the health care bill. Let's get back to a government for the people and by the people.